Web Archives - Page 7 of 9 - Morris & Chapman

Association Website

The World LPG Association (WLPGA) is the authoritative voice of the global LPG industry representing the full LPG value chain. The primary goal of the Association is to add value to the sector by driving premium demand for LPG, while also promoting compliance to good...


Corporate Website

SHV Energy is a family-owned company that provides people and businesses with decentralised and personalised energy solutions and services.We worked closely with SHV Energy to redesign and redeploy their online platform making it more engaging and responsive. The project involved restructuring the information as well...


Association Website

FuelsEurope represents with the EU institutions the interest of 42 Companies operating refineries in the EU. Members account for almost 100% of EU petroleum refining capacity and more than 75% of EU motor fuel retail sales. We designed and deployed the new site and news...


Association Website

UNESDA represents the European soft drinks industry which comprises: still drinks, cordials, dilutables, carbonates, fruit drinks, energy drinks, iced teas and coffees, squashes and sports drinks. In cooperation with Fleishman Hillard, we rebuilt and redesigned the new online home of UNESDA....


Unconventional Gas Website

The aim of this site is to provide an online resource about European unconventional gas and related matters, based on ExxonMobil's and the industry's years of experience in unconventional gas production around the world. In cooperation with Fleishman Hillard, we designed and developed this useful...


Association Website

European Family Businesses is the EU federation of national associations representing long-term family owned enterprises, including small, medium-sized and large companies. For EFB, we have have redesigned and restructured the content and developed an online newsletter....


Corporate Website

Emaprod is a leading real estate developer based in Brussels. We helped Emaprod design and develop their online presence....


Conference Website

EADV is a non-profit association, whose mission is to advance excellence in clinical care, research, education and training in the field of dermatology and venereology and to act as the advocate and educator of patients. Particularly those with cutaneous or venereal diseases. For it's biannual...


Steel for Packaging App

Steel is a unique packaging material, combining exceptional performance capabilities with unrivalled environmental credentials. Strong, formable and long-lasting, steel offers numerous benefits for the safe packaging of a wide variety of products. To enable the sales force to showcase these benefits, we developed a dedicated...


Global Health Matters Blog

Building on the positive experiences of sharing views at IFPMA’s Geneva Pharma Forum events, this IFPMA Global Health Matters blog is intended to further stimulate exchange and dialog on global health topics that matter to all of us. We helped IFPMA with the design and...